

COVID Reset at Noon: Reigniting Retail with Theo Paphitis

Consumers have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic by altering their everyday behaviour in many striking ways—from where they work to how they occupy their leisure hours to what they buy. For retailers, the shopper journey has become undeniably more digitally focused – coming naturally for some, less for others. Hear how TV Dragon and retail tycoon Theo Paphitis, whose portfolio of companies includes the likes of Ryman, Robert Dyas, Boux Avenue and London Graphic Centre, has reimagined retail...

Meet the Future

Meet the Future is an insights report Facebook launched in early September to help advertisers better understand the future by listening to those who are shaping it. In this session, Miriam Faber, Content and Campaigns Lead for Northern Europe at Facebook, holds a panel discussion with a number of the Gen Z creators involved in the creation of this report to share their thoughts on community, diversity, equality and activism.

Great Minds: This House Believes the Ad Industry Can Play a Greater Role in Fighting Climate Change Than Politicians

Our world sits on a precipice. The time for stalling and inaction is over. Youth activists, celebrity influencers, corporate social responsibility, news headlines, environmental pressure groups and societal will all ensure that action on climate change remains in focus, but the world is looking for leadership. So who has the most effective mandate, resources and platform to ensure that the climate crisis remains at the very top of agendas? Who has the greatest ability to enact change?...

Great Minds Keynote: Everything is a Placebo

In every case we react to stimuli not in response to what they are, but in a constructed emotional response to what we believe they mean. This glorious failure of objectivity is usually viewed as a human failing, and (certainly in the case of pharmacological research) we seek to correct for it. But is this wrong? Can a little benign shamanism be used to solve problems which continue to stump rational engineers and economists.

Great Minds in Conversation: Gary Vaynerchuk on the Shifts in Consumer Behavior During the Covid Era

Over the last six months, consumer behaviour has shifted tremendously. In this session, Gary Vaynerchuk dives into the consumer behaviour trends he’s seeing and shares actionable insights on what’s to come. He will discuss the opportunities for marketers to capitalize on and what’s needed as the industry continues to evolve in a post-COVID world.

Sparking Impactful Customer Engagement: What It Takes

Standing out in today’s crowded, challenging marketplace can be a struggle. If marketers do it right, they can spark something truly impactful in their customers, driving stronger engagement and creating moments of true brand love. Do it wrong, however, and you can find your brand facing consumer confusion or frustration. Braze VP, Industry Solutions, Warrick Godfrey and Depop’s Peter Semple will explore how brands can leverage personalization and other key tactics to achieve these kinds of...

Discover the Future of Branded Content: The Success to Influencer Marketing

While influencer marketing has become ubiquitous, even the most experienced marketers struggle to create powerful, effective campaigns in extremely fast-changing environments. Further, consumers are growing tired of seeing the same content over and over in their feeds.

The Big Data Reset

The future of data-driven customer experience is uncertain. Not all consumers are on a journey towards a more open and expanded data economy. The pandemic has further polarised attitudes - with some consumers willing to accept the wider social benefits of altruistic data-sharing to combat the virus but others resisting due to a greater infringement on their privacy.

Programmatic Advertising: What Do Brands Really Think

The programmatic advertising industry continues to evolve with changes around identity, especially mobile ad identity, Supply-Path Optimisation and the need for transparency hitting the headlines this Summer. Programmatic platforms have led the response thus far. We want to give brands the chance to have their say! While many brands have investigated some level of in-housing, a majority of brands are content with their existing set-up. We will ask a panel of experts brand marketers...

Leveraging the Power of Premium Content Across Video

In a world where video is ubiquitous, and takes many forms across many different platforms, how can premium video content cut through to make a difference? In this session, Jean-Baptiste Moggio, Head of Marketing at RTL AdConnect, outlines the defining features of the evolving video consumption landscape across all screens and platforms in 2020 and beyond. He describes the added value of premium content for video advertisers whilst addressing the issue of fragmentation for...

History in the Tweeting

2020 has been a defining moment of our lives. To gauge what happened Twitter embarked on a research project looking at billions of Tweets. We found seven behaviours that emerged or accelerated in lockdown. These paint a picture of what people have been experiencing, and may inform how they move forward. This is a rare moment in time for people and brands alike to redefine and reinvent. Join our session to discover more about these seven behaviours and what they mean for brands.

How BT Uses Data to Plan Away From the Average

BT has been on a huge journey of change over the last few years - right across the organisation, data and insight has become the backbone to decision making. But without careful planning, growth and availability of audience data can lead to the unthinking pursuit of the same strategies and tactics, with marketers looking at data in the same way, reaching the same conclusions, and as a result - being pushed closer towards average.
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