Over the last 30 years corporate transformation has progressed at a snail's pace in Japan.
Slow change toward gender diversity and work culture reform has resulted in Japan lagging behind the rest of the world. In this keynote, Matsumoto will address key to Japan's revival as a global corporate leader.
In the world of today, standing out is not just a nice to have but the only way to survive. Through a series of award winning case studies, Burger King will share some of the principles on how to develop work that truly stands out and how that creates value for the brand and the business.
In 2011, with the company’s very survival on the line, it was decided to transform into a global IT business.
From 2012, based around Indeed as the central pillar, we developed M&As with global HR Tech enterprises and promoted a shift toward becoming a digital technology company.
While keeping experiences of failure in mind, I will talk about the acquisition and PMI of companies with core competencies in Big-Data and Machine-Learning as the key to the success of digitization and globalization.
There are many things you should process to do to avoid being a disliked advertisement.
I would like to discuss with you about the global standards and the Japanese standards of ad verification at this presentation.In addition, we should ultimately secure brand safety and lead to an effective advertisement. To realize what is the user's main concern of the advertisement when they are reaching it and how user feel. In above of advertisement, we also would like to discuss with you to have...
As the increase in the amount and speed of content consumption accelerates, how will AI be used in this area? The two speakers will introduce examples of actual AI use in automated creative generation and its optimization, as well as how AI will change entertainment in the future.
Supply-Path-Optimization is the new normal. Computers now tell us the best path forward and help us make faster, more informed decisions. Computers have become our assistants, strategists and part of the creative toolbox. Join us for this panel, crossing the boundaries of tech, marketing, organizational effectiveness, and creative to hear diverse perspectives on how optimization, AI, and Automation are disrupting the system.
Ad verification proves the safety of media, yet does not guarantee with whom the communication is taking place.
We will discuss in a panel discussion format with advertisers for two main issues that become apparent from this point of view and some of the clues in overcoming it.
1. Risk of Look-Alike Targeting
2. Risk of brand damage that comes from high ad frequency
Consumer attitudes towards loyalty are a double-edged sword for Marketers: one the one hand, a loyal customer is more valuable than ever; on the other hand, customer loyalty is harder and harder to develop and retain. In this talk we explore how consumers discover new brands and how brands can develop and retain loyal customers.