In this session...

Today, it is virtually impossible to drive growth in the luxury automotive segment without multicultural consumers, primarily Hispanics. While many brands have been targeting Hispanics for years, the affluent Hispanic is a mystery to most. Many brands and agencies mistakenly assume that, given their affluence, this target can be reached via general market media and with general market concepts, when the reality is that there is actually a strong correlation between affluence, higher education and a desire to connect.

What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. The importance of successfully targeting luxury Hispanic consumers, an often-overlooked group
  2. The importance of a cultural storytelling approach, regardless of language, to target this important and culturally nuanced segment
  3. Lessons and best practices learned over the last few campaigns, which brands and advertisers, big and small can take to heart.

Presented with


Gina Jorge Head of National Advertising Acura
Marina Filippelli COO Orcí

Event Details

Event Type Seminar