In this session...
As a foundational part of growing up, live music experiences evolve to the world that young people live in. Experiences: The Power of Shared Moments, is a new chapter of Viacom Velocity’s groundbreaking thought leadership documentary, The Culture of Proximity. Based on ongoing proprietary research by Velocity’s Culture and Creative Insights group, Experiences builds on the broader Culture of Proximity study and focuses on the tectonic shifts we see in the way culture gets made and dispersed. Experiences unearths new insight into how the Culture of Proximity has fundamentally shifted what, why and how we experience music and live events and what all brands can learn to create unique, memorable experiences.
What You'll Learn from This Session...
- How brands can better harness the “why” behind our audiences’ motivations and actions
- The impact on culture when groups converge and behave similarly
- How advertisers and marketers can better understand these changing dynamics to relate to their audiences