In this session...

Content is king. Matched with the power of data, brands are able to use content to connect with consumers by leveraging social movements in real-time. This requires an evolution from campaigns to an “always-on” content marketing approach that keeps work fresh and relevant. For this evolution to occur and spur meaningful, memorable consumer interactions, brands must acquire a new set of data-driven skills, collaboration methods and techniques to produce creative material that addresses cultural movements as they occur.

Content is king. Matched with the power of data, brands are able to use content to connect with consumers by leveraging social movements in real-time. For brands to stay relevant in this fast-paced society, they must react to culture, quickly adapting to the latest meme, pop-up or protest. This requires an evolution from campaigns to an “always-on” content marketing approach that keeps work fresh and relevant. For this evolution to occur and spur meaningful, memorable consumer interactions, brands must acquire a new set of data-driven skills, collaboration methods and techniques to produce creative material that addresses cultural movements as they occur.

Executives from Deloitte Digital and National Geographic will share best practices for activating followers in real-time by using trending conversations, discuss methods for generating creative content by paying attention to social trends and using data to develop content that matches the speed in which culture changes.
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What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. Why should brands transition to an “always-on” marketing approach to stay relevant?
  2. What skills must brands acquire to appeal to consumers in real-time?
  3. How can data and insights be coupled with content to create an effective campaign?

Presented with


Alan Schulman Chief Creative Officer, Advertising, Marketing & Commerce at Deloitte Digital US Deloitte Digital
John Campbell Senior Vice President, Global Media National Geographic Partners, Fox Networks Group

Event Details

Event Type Seminar

Related Topic Area  Creativity & Arts   Tech 

Similar Interests  Content   Data 

Track  Content Marketing