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In this session...

The news landscape has changed immeasurably in recent years, as new digital challengers emerge into what had previously been territory owned by large, traditional news organisations. Hand-in-hand with this has come a new type of news consumer: technology literate, open-minded, vocal and not afraid to challenge, comment or debate. Many of them are what the Huffington Post defines as “Thrivers” - ambitious, intelligent, curious, tech-savvy and crucially, self-aware.

Join the Huffington Post as we look at key trends that are impacting the way news is created, published and consumed.
Ultimately, it's news consumers who force the industry to keep evolving, and never have they had more power than in the constantly connected world of today. We'll unveil new research around the modern news audience, focusing on an emerging group - the Thriver - omnivorous in their news sources, vocal about their opinions and determined to balance the twin demands of career and self-fulfillment. We'll also host a panel featuring media experts discussing the challenge of producing news content in a 24-hour news cycle. How have they adapted to the always-on digital age? What advantages do the new, digital-only entrants into this market have over rivals whose businesses were founded on the traditional print model? When everyone has a mobile phone and a social media account, are we all reporters now? And crucially, what does this mean for advertisers View Less

Presented with


Stephen Hull Editor-in Chief The Huffington Post UK
Malcolm Coles Director of Digital Media Telegraph
John Crowley Digital Editor Wall Street Journal Europe
Steve Payne Head of Planning, Insight & Research AOL UK
Joseph Stashko Digital News Development Editor @TheTimes and @TheSundayTimes

Event Details

Event Type Seminar

Track  Agency