David Sear

David Sear joined Weve as CEO in February 2013, where he is responsible for driving the company forward across all its business areas from mobile marketing; display; loyalty and payments. Before joining Weve, David spent six years at Travelex, one of the world’s largest foreign exchange and payments companies. Joining in 2006, as Divisional Managing Director (Outsourcing), he led a team providing foreign currency services to travel agents and financial institutions in over 20 countries. From 2009-2012, David became Divisional Managing Director, Global Business Payments the world’s largest non-bank payment provider, helping over 30,000 businesses pay suppliers across the world through a range of online payment solutions. Before joining Travelex, Sear spent three years as Commercial and Scheme Managing Director at Voca and prior to that was Chief Operating Officer at WorldPay Group plc.