Digital Doppelgangers – How A New Breed of Avatars is Reinventing Self-Expression

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Avatars are evolving from flat images stuck in singular platforms, to customizable 3D characters that mirror our emotions and travel across the metaverse. These innovations are ushering in an age where we can socialize in digital third places as our truest selves and make meaningful connections beyond the physical limitations of our bodies. The implications will be profound, redefining how we shop, socialize and play. Learn from our panel of NFT thought leaders as we explore the second self in the metaverse.
Quynh Mai Founder
Moving Image & Content
Chris (ClegFX) Le Co-Founder
Spottie WiFi CryptoPunk Rapper

Krista Kim Metaverse Artist / Global Ambassador of Superworld

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4 Videos, 2 hrs