Craig Tuck

Having spent 20 years in the media industry Craig Tuck is now Managing Director, UK for RadiumOne. A leader in programmatic advertising, RadiumOne helps brands enable Consumer Powered Marketing™ by connecting and leveraging consumer engagement across Paid, Earned, Shared and Owned assets.

Spending the early years of his career in B2B publishing, Cinema, then moving on to site representation business Lycos, and major digital media brands IGN, MySpace and AskMen working for a division of NewsCorp, Craig has now ‘found his home’ in programmatic martech.  Fascinated and motivated by helping clients create Connections That Matter, he thrives on the creativity possible around audience, & helping brands respond to customers in a way that resonates in this new age.  No longer is a silo’ed approach good enough if better outcomes are expected, those silos need to come together as one system & RadiumOne helps brands and agencies understand and activate that system in an efficient & impactful way