
Represent your brand at its best with advertising solutions guided by an uncompromising respect for privacy, brand safety, and data security. Microsoft Advertising provides intelligent solutions that empower you to deliver engaging, personalized experiences to over a half a billion people worldwide. Bing powers billions of searches monthly on the Microsoft Search Network, including Verizon Media properties (AOL, Yahoo), platforms like Amazon and Apple, and on Microsoft services like Windows, Office and Microsoft Edge. Extend your reach and campaign performance with Microsoft Audience Network, high-quality native placements across devices on premium sites like MSN,, Microsoft Edge, and select publisher partner properties. Only Microsoft Advertising offers LinkedIn Profile targeting on search and native to help you find highly relevant audiences based on their company, job function and industry. With Microsoft Advertising, gain access to in-depth insights, intelligent advertising tools that use AI to improve campaign performance and audience targeting solutions to create more personalized advertising experiences. Microsoft Advertising. Intelligent connections.


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