In this session...
As consumers continue to be attracted to streaming alternatives, there are now more U.S. households with a streaming device (87MM) than a cable subscription (68.5MM).
Because streaming audiences expect a shorter, more relevant ad experience than linear viewers, publishers are offering formats and ad space that are data-driven and targetable so advertisers can deliver a more meaningful message to their audiences.
This dynamic makes CTV ad inventory even more valuable for advertisers looking to connect with their consumers in a more precise way by purchasing CTV through data and decisioning.
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Join industry experts to learn about the benefits of centralizing your TV buys, how to activate your TV budgets with a decisioned approach and how to leverage data to reach your target audiences on CTV.
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What You'll Learn from This Session...
- There are now more U.S. households with a streaming device (87MM) than a cable subscription (68.5MM).
- Publishers must offer formats and ad space that's data-driven and targetable so advertisers can deliver a more meaningful message to their audiences.
- The benefits centralizing your TV buys, how to activate your TV budgets with a decisioned approach and how to leverage data to reach your target audiences on CTV.