Tracks Venues

In this session...

Dance is not only a great workout that can improve your physical and mental health anywhere — whether at a concert, club or in the privacy of your home — but is also a powerful, primal way to connect with people around music.

This session will feature a leading dance app, a music label executive and a professional dancer/choreographer in a discussion about how they are using dance to bring people together, engage with communities of fans in new ways that are beneficial to their businesses and brand partners, and of course, to keep people moving. View Less

What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. Using dance as a tool for community-building and fan engagement.
  2. Smart branding practices for your dance or music business.
  3. How brands can use dance to support body positivity and other benefits of being physically and mentally fit to form deeper connections with consumers.

Presented with


Connor Lim President and Co-founder STEEZY
Aliya Janell Founder, Creative Director, Choreographer Queens N’ Lettos
Caiaffa SVP Of Commercial Marketing Motown Records
Webb Wright Junior Reporter The Drum

Event Details

Event Type Session

Track  Lifestyle & Health