Tracks Venues

In this session...

Fight the dark side of advertising. Ad fraud is the most profitable cybercrime and the #1 drain on ad performance.

Despite some of ad tech’s best minds on the problem, ad fraud continues to flourish. What is really happening on the other side? Who are the botnet operators and how do they work? Learn: why we’ve been outmatched, how we inadvertently aid the fraudsters, how the arms race between the good guys and the bad guys is developing, and what it really takes to eradicate fraud in the long term.

The founders of White Ops bring a perspective from outside the ad industry – bank fraud, government security – that will lift the veil and give you an in depth tour of what we’re up against in bad guy land. View Less

Presented with


Jon Bond Chief Tomorroist Tomorro LLC
Michael Tiffany Co-founder and CEO White Ops
Tamer Hassan Co-founder and CTO White Ops

Event Details

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