Mara Dettmann

Mara turned her obsessions with technology, pop culture, and content creation into a career as an advertising strategist – currently as UK Strategy Director with Laundry Service, part of the Wasserman Group.

In her 15+ years in the industry, Mara found a niche helping brands harness technology and decode culture to fuel campaigns with genuine impact. At BBH, she helped launch Tesco on TikTok with "Voice of the Checkout", an audition to become the voice of the brand which generated wide engagement and press coverage, drove business results, and won awards including a Cannes Lion.

Beyond speaking engagements, Mara writes about tech and cultural trends for publications including The Drum, WARC, and Creative Salon.

Mara is actively involved in shaping advertising's perspective on the future of technology through "The Marketer’s Guide to the AI Galaxy”, a podcast where Mara and AI expert Joya Scarlata providing marketers with insights and strategies to harness AI effectively.