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In this session...

When it comes to AI and advertising the fears around "we're all doomed" are often countered with the idea that "it's just a tool". But tools aren't neutral or simple and we need to go beyond this rhetoric. In this session hosts of The Marketer's Guide to the AI Galaxy, Mara Dettmann and Joya Scarlata are joined by two students from London College of Communication who spent a term on a BBH/AWE project to actually use AI on a brief to discuss what worked, what didn't and what we can learn.

How can we work with AI? Can we be the master? Are we doomed to be a servant? Or can there be some sort of partnership? If so, what will that be like? We can argue about that – or we can run some experiments. That is what BBH, AWE and the London College of Communication did. Working on a brief from BBH, students worked with a range of AI tools to see how that partnership works within advertising. They looked at having an AI partner for creative and for strategy as well as in project management. In this discussion, New Gen advertising students Jordan Willis and Rafaela Bresolin discuss what they found out with two leading voices in the debates about AI and advertising: Mara Dettmann and Joya Scarlata. Can AI be more than a tool? Can it be a supportive manager, a passionate junior? Can it think outside the black box? What's it like having an Ai as your boss, your team member, your partner? Join us for discussion of AI based in real experiments and real advertising work. View Less

What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. Critical discussion of real examples of AI use in advertising
  2. Exploration of AI in different parts of the advertising business
  3. Concrete tips and techniques for getting the best out of AI
  4. Discussion of AI and job roles and talent

Presented with


Joya Scarlata Director of Digital Marketing & Speaker
Mara Dettmann UK Strategy Director Laundry Service
Jordan Willis MA Advertising Student London College of Communication
Rafaela Bresolin MA Advertising Student London College of Communication

Event Details

Event Type Session

Track  AI