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Advertising researchers such as The Nursery and System 1 have questioned why so few brands these days use humour in their advertising. Given the desire for brands to generate affinity with their target audiences, humour as a source of connecting with audiences and prompting a strong emotional response would seem like an obvious tactic and one that has been used historically to great success. In an era where brands are seeking to be more purposeful is the role for humour over?

What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. Why now is the right time for ads to return to humour ?
  2. Why humour and purpose can be effective for brands right now?
  3. Can purpose and humour co exist?

Presented with


Melanie Welsh Founding Partner Strat House
Michael Lee Chief Strategy Officer VCCP
Fernando Kahane Senior Marketing Director Walkers
Michelle Spillane Marketing and Brand Director Paddy Power

Event Details

Event Type Session