In this session...
Unpacking the creative potential of human and machines with IPA President Sarah Golding and SapientRazorfish Head of Strategy, Melanie Cook.
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Man and machine make magic. But they need to be designed that way. The Super Intelligentsia believe that AI and Armageddon go hand in hand. In our industry, people contemplate automated creativity with jobs lost and our craft reduced to a keystroke. But human creativity is far from obsolete.
Creativity takes leaps of faith for which there is no algorithm nor utility function. Sarah Golding, President of the IPA wants our industry to get ready for the machine - as one of the tools in our box of magic creative tricks. Melanie Cook is a leading strategist for SapientRazorfish in Southeast Asia and a highly sought-after authority on leadership and technology. Together they will look at the history of AI and designing human and machine as one agent.
This session will provoke people to question what we must do to ensure that humans remain central to an Intelligent World because that's where the magic begins.
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