Robby Berger

Robby Berger is the comedic personality, influencer, and podcast host behind the social media sensation Bob Does Sports, where he gives his comedic view on sports and life's day to day alongside his partners in crime, Joey "Coldcuts" Demare, Nick "Fat Perez" Stubbe, and Mikey V. Bob Does Sports was originally envisioned as a platform that featured multiple sports with Robby and the gang going from event to event. However, they noticed the golf content was resonating with viewers more than anything else. The brand has accrued a loyal fanbase watching Robby lead his group of ragtag golfers on the course.

Bob Does Sports also launched its own brand, Breezy, a golf and apparel line driven by the philosophy that a round of golf is best enjoyed with friends.

Robby's Instagram: 800K followers
Bob Does Sports IG: 524K followers
Breezy Golf: 1.1M followers