Tracks Venues

In this session...

A Panel discussion from talent to advertiser: How to reach streamers through branded content.

Explore how to reach streamers through branded content. Delve into the ever-shifting landscape of advertising dollars and the immense power of original content on Connected TV.

What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. Learn how to leverage talent on Connected TV platforms and uncover winning strategies for network success.
  2. Uncover the world of branded content and valuable insights for advertisers on reaching and engaging their audiences.
  3. Gain an in-depth understanding of the preferences and behaviors of audiences and the reasons behind people's increasing inclination toward Connected TV.

Presented with


Michele Fino Head of Branded Entertainment Crackle Connex
Genevieve Gorder Host At Home with Genevieve
Don Benjamin Executive Producer Just for Kicks
Antoine Wade Creator and Executive Producer Just for Kicks
Damian Pelliccione Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer Revry

Event Details

Event Type Session

Track  Streaming