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In this session...

Physical stores represent a massive opportunity for brands to reach their target audience, where they make the majority (85%) of their purchases.

And while the store has gained traction as an advertising medium, brands are still learning how to unlock its potential.

In this session, we'll ask our panel of experts to share more on the current state of in-store retail media, how brands are leveraging it and predictions for the future of this emerging channel.

What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. The audience size of physical stores are 70% larger than their online counterparts. Brick-and-mortar also commands 85% of sales.
  2. Today's in-store advertising is different from what it was in the past. The shift to digital, programmatic in-store advertising impacts the way brands think about the medium.
  3. There are a number of both endemic and non-endemic brands who have seen success leveraging this ad medium.
  4. Key challenges ahead include defining measurement standards and breaking down the siloes between media buying teams at brands.

Presented with


Diana Haussling SVP - GM, Consumer Experience & Growth Colgate-Palmolive
Andrew Lipsman Principal Analyst Insider Intelligence
Marlow Nickell CEO Grocery TV

Event Details

Event Type Session