Tracks Venues

In this session...

There’s no question that AI is transforming the industry as we speak. Join Google's Anne Marie Nelson-Bogle and Sean Downey for a keynote speech, followed by a fireside chat with Mondelez International's Meghan Johnson, to hear how marketers are using AI to multiply their marketing expertise and take their business to the next level—and discuss what AI can’t do.

What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. If the first revolutionary digital shift was to the internet, and the second was to mobile, then the third shift has arrived: AI. This technology will transform how we run our businesses and connect with customers—and in many ways, it already has.
  2. Amidst the excitement and momentum of AI, the role of the marketer is more critical than ever. You’re in the driver’s seat, and AI is the engine.
  3. The customer journey is less predictable than ever. AI can help brands multiply their marketing, and show up everywhere people watch, search, and engage—driving next-level ROI and results.

Presented with


Anne Marie Nelson-Bogle Vice President, YouTube Ads Marketing Google
Sean Downey President, Americas & Global Partners Google
Meghan Johnson Head of Consumer Experience & Media, Americas Mondelez

Event Details

Event Type Session