Tracks Venues

In this session...

Can we inspire consumers to take real action to face climate change?

This news-making panel will reveal new research tied to driving consumer behavior and action to face this challenge. Hear from one of the world's leading marketing academics, an expert in climate change behavior and one of the world's most influential brand experts on sustainability.

Moderated by New York media icon Seth Rogin: Co-chair, Oxford Future of Marketing Initiative, Sr. Advisor to Count Us In, and Board Member, The Jerry Garcia Foundation.

The Univ of Oxford's Felipe Thomaz will share his groundbreaking research on how some brands are inspiring customers to act on the climate while simultaneously driving financial performance.

Brandon Schauer of Rare will share new research on what really drives people to change their behavior.

Mastercard's Director of Sustainability, Erin Goodhard, will speak to how one of the world's most ubiquitous brands is flexing its ability to drive awareness and action to face this challenge head-on.

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What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. New Research: University of Oxford study showing a newly emerged trend of connection between cause marketing and market returns.
  2. New Research: What is the science behind driving change in consumer behavior and belief?
  3. New Insight from inside Mastercard: How is this global brand becoming a global force for good actions to face the climate challenge?
  4. Hear about a new alliance of brands to help bring awareness and inspire action among the "movable middle."
  5. How do we move beyond just decarbonizing media to activating its consumers to change the world?

Presented with


Seth Rogin Chief Commercial Officer The Real Deal
Felipe Thomaz Associate Professor Saïd Business School, University of Oxford
Brandon Schauer SVP, Climate Culture Rare and Count Us in
Erin Goodhand Director of Sustainability Mastercard

Event Details

Event Type Session

Track  Social Impact