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In this session...

Unpacking the impact of shifting consumer behaviors on sports fandom in the modern age in order to help brands innovate and modernize their investment in sports to achieve the best results. The next generation of fans introduces five new dimensions of sports fandom, which will have significant implications for brands.

Until now, durable traditions and rituals of sports fandom have dictated the playbook for brands in sports. But the next generation of fans is ushering in a new era of fandom. One that is open, participatory, and responsive to culture in real-time. This is On Demand Fandom, and when fandom changes, the rest of sport must follow.

Join R/GA Strategists Jesse Sarfan and Kaitlyn Frysztak as they unveil insights from R/GA’s proprietary research report, The Future Generation of Sports Fandom, because the clock is running out to apply the rules of On-Demand Fandom to your brand.

Following the keynote, enjoy a conversation on connecting with today's fans with guest speaker Dany Garcia, Founder, CEO and Chairwoman, The Garcia Companies; Chairwoman and Co-Founder, XFL. View Less

What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. How on-demand fans have upended sports culture and the implications for brands.
  2. How to modernize your investment in sport.
  3. The impact of shifting consumer behaviors on sports fandom.

Presented with


Kaitlyn Frysztak Group Strategy Director R/GA
Jesse Sarfan Strategy Director R/GA
Dany Garcia Founder, CEO and Chairwoman The Garcia Companies
Tom Morton Global Chief Strategy Officer R/GA

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