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In this session...

As the media industry continues to wrestle with a fragmented world driven in large part by consumer shifts in viewing behavior, marketers can (fairly) struggle with maintaining consistency in both messaging, tactics and results. So where can we steer our ship to build better confidence in our multiscreen campaigns? Audiences.

Audiences should be at the core of every decision a marketer makes.How do we build them, the creative they see, how we reach them (and how often!) and how we measure them. An audience-first mindset will cure many of the headaches facing our industry. Join media & brand experts as they discuss how they keep audience strategy at the forefront of all of their decisions. View Less

What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. Cross-screen measurement
  2. Deduplicated reach
  3. Building, maintaining and evolving an audience

Presented with


Davina Kent SVP, Client Partnerships Ampersand
Mario Mijares VP, Insights, Loyalty, Marketing and Monetization Platforms 7-Eleven
Mike Bregman Chief Activation Officer Havas Media Network North America
Oyin Enoch Sr. Marketing Director – Wellness Hill's Pet Nutrition

Event Details

Event Type Session