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In this session...

The recent ANA Programmatic Media Supply Chain Transparency Study concluded that the $88 billion open web programmatic media ecosystem is riddled with as much as $20 billion in waste. One thing is clear — it is time for Programmatic 3.0.

In this session, learn key findings from this monumental study and thoughts on the future of programmatic marketing with a system that reaches real humans at reasonable prices for better results. And how will brands know this? Because, above all, it will be completely transparent.

What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. Learn key facts from the ANA study that detail the amount of waste currently in the programmatic media ecosystem.
  2. Understand the need for true transparency and hear how we as an industry can get there.
  3. Learn how blockchain can be a solution for ensuring trusted, non-changeable data to ensure ROI on media investments.

Presented with


Bill Duggan Group Executive Vice President ANA
Katie Kempner Founder, Creator and Host, "Perspectives with Katie Kempner" Kempner Communications
Matt Wasserlauf CEO and Co-Founder Blockboard
Michael Scalera Marketing Director PIM Brands, Inc.

Event Details

Event Type Session