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In this session...

Renewed in recent months, there is rightly industry anger at the lack of transparency of the walled gardens when it comes to campaign management. Why is this important? Aside from the obvious ad fraud implications, fraudulent placements can put your brand in legal or reputational peril.

In this discussion, we’ll discuss what brand safety means, the distinction between brand safety and ad fraud and what they mean to advertisers looking to protect their brands and reach audiences with the most engaging, relevant content.

What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. What constitutes fraudulent ad practices and behaviors.
  2. How the digital supply chain works and how it contributes to a fraudulent marketplace.
  3. The importance of brand safety in driving common KPIs.

Presented with


Mark McKee General Manager FreeWheel
John Vilade Head of Advertising Sales PREMION
Danielle DeLauro EVP VAB
Arielle Garcia Consultant, Advisor & Fractional Chief Privacy Officer ASG Solutions

Event Details

Event Type Session