Sonia Jackson Myles
As an advisor and executive coach to numerous Fortune 500 companies and startups, Sonia Jackson Myles works with CEO’s and their teams on leadership development; growth strategies to diversity; women’s initiatives; change management; employee engagement and creating a culture where employees thrive.
Prior to starting The Accord Group LLC, Sonia was an executive in corporate America with over 20 years of experience, managing $20 billion at the Ford Motor Company, Gillette and Procter & Gamble. In addition to her corporate work, Sonia is the Founder of The Sister Accord Foundation, a global organization educating and empowering girls and women.
A frequent media personality, she has been honored many times including as Essence Magazine’s “Woman of Power”; Bloomberg Report’s “History Makers”; National Association For Female Executives' "Legacy Award.” She holds a BS and MBA from Florida A&M University, and is the chair of its School of Business & Industry Advisory Board.