In this session...

The Outloud Group leads influencer marketing strategy and campaigns for over 30 leading brands including Grubhub, Wix, and SimpliSafe. Succeeding in the space requires effort from the brand and a willingness to trust influencers, which means thinking beyond Instagram and micro-influencers. Joined by the Brand Manager of Grubhub, Outloud will walk through platform choice, micro vs. macro-influencers, and how to measure success. They'll also dive into research about unattributable traffic from YouTube influencer campaigns.

YouTube Measurement - Outloud YouTube Calculator:
In an effort to help brands identify the true value of their YouTube influencer marketing campaigns, Outloud created a data attribution model. The calculator design is based on the traditional sales funnel with stages of awareness, consideration, and conversion. It shows brands their campaign’s forecasted value, performance, and analytics, to make data-driven recommendations for future campaigns. Stop by the session for more details!

The OAR:
The Outloud Attribution Ratio, our OAR is the ratio of attributable to unattributable actions made by consumers watching branded YouTube integrations. The Outloud Group conducted this study with the largest clickstream data panel in the world and analyzed a sample of 10 million people in the US to watch their behavior after interacting with influencer campaigns sponsored by their brand partners. The results and the ratio are unprecedented. Stop by the session to learn more! View Less

What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. Through brand examples, understand the nuances of influencer marketing strategy across platforms.
  2. Learn how to carefully match objectives with the correct metrics and tools.
  3. Learn the formula for definitively measuring YouTube influencer marketing campaigns.
  4. Discover the results of our turnkey measurement study “The OAR effect” with brand insights and examples.

Presented with


Bradley Hoos Chief Growth Officer The Outloud Group
Jessica Burns VP, Brand Marketing & Creative Grubhub

Event Details

Event Type Seminar

Track  Influence