Ross Asdourian

Ross Asdourian (@asdo) is a producer for Red Bull Media House, heading all productions in the east. He creates branded digital content on a team wholly responsible for activating it across non-commercial channels. Prior to Red Bull, Ross worked as Creative Director of Branded Content at the NBC News Group. There he executed the company¹s first million dollar all digital deal and managed the partnership with NowThis, a social news distributor. Although currently in New York, Ross formerly resided in Seattle, where he worked as an Interactive Producer at Banyan Branch, sat on the board as a youth adviser for the Washington Global Health Alliance, and produced a hyper local comedy show, Local Brew, that still runs in the Pacific Northwest. Outside of work, he is an author, a street art gallery curator in New York, a speaking coach, and teaches ³Improv for People Who Never Want to do Improv.²