James Connelly

James Connelly is a young tech entrepreneur who has achieved significant recognition in the dynamic mobile marketing industry. Listed by The Drum Magazine as one of the industry’s ‘Top 50 Most Influential Individuals in Mobile', he has also recently been nominated for the ‘BIMA 2014 Hot 100’: a celebration of the hottest people in UK digital today.
James sits on the UK Advisory Board of the Mobile Marketing Association and has been recognised as one of Media Week’s ‘30 Under 30 Ones to Watch’ as well as Growing Business’ ‘Young Guns 30 Under 30 Entrepreneurs’.
In the midst of the digital advertising boom in 2005, James stood out as an early believer in mobile. After managing seven figure mobile advertising campaigns and working with leading brands to define their mobile strategies in both London and Sydney, James launched Fetch in 2009 as one of the first dedicated mobile advertising agencies in the UK. James is a popular speaker and regular contributor to press having spoken at events across the world. His debut workshop at the 60th Cannes Lions Festival in 2013 drew a particularly appreciative response