Fernando Desouches

Fernando is a world-leader in marketing to men, and speaks with authority on the current cultural shift around masculinity and the male narrative. For more than 18 years at Unilever he led the global brand communications targeting men: Dove Men+Care and Axe / Lynx. As Global Brand Director, he was responsible for leading the second repositioning of the Axe brand in its 35-year history based on the insight ‘men are performing their masculinity instead of living it’.

In 2018 he joined the creative agency BBD Perfect Storm to lead their strategic unit, New Macho. It helps male-focused brands navigate the complex messaging and marketing landscape, through an insight-led approach, creating true and lasting connections.

Fernando’s passion point is helping organisations redefine and remove stereotypes around masculinity in their brand communications. He believes that brands play a key role in reducing the social pressure on men that often ends up in violence (to self or others), frustration and isolation. Only by portraying an aspirational but authentic real man, brands will empower men to be more collaborative, creative and connected, whilst generating strong and sustainable engagement.

He is regularly invited to speak on the subject by UK and global media, major brands, international conferences and marketing organisations.