Hideaki Ouchi

Hideaki joined the ADK Group in 2005. From 2005 to 2010, he was the head of the digital planning section as well as being a marketing planner for ADK’s Shanghai local subsidiary, contributing to the business expansion of Japanese FMCG and automotive companies.

Since 2010, Hideaki has overseen global digital marketing at ADK’s Tokyo headquarters. His team conducts of global communication planning for a wide range of clients, including government bodies, FMCG, technology, and B2B companies.

In 2019 he established and became the first chairman of multilingual advertisement operations company Croco Advertising Co., Ltd. (part of the ADK Group) in Shanghai.

Before joining ADK (now ADK Marketing Solutions Inc.), Hideaki has experience in technology sales for a B2B company and as a system engineer. He has a strong international business background, having worked in China and Thailand.