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In this session...

Most purchases happen in brick-and-mortar stores, but consumers search for information with digital technology. When you realize this fact and perceive how digital ads contribute to store visits, it becomes an important indicator for determining return on investment--both for retail where purchases are made and for the makers (i.e. brands) that provide the goods. How can we measure the impact and how far can we quantify it?

Furthermore, what sort of new marketing action does this visualization allow the retail industry and brands to see? This presentation will introduce projects that are currently underway. View Less

Presented with


Nobuaki Shinano Industry Head, Retail Google Japan
Taro Sotome Strategist, Strategy & Sales Development Google Japan
Kensaku Iida Corporate Officer, Divisional Director of eCommerce Division  Toysrus Japan

Event Details

Event Type Seminar

Related Topic Area  Tech 

Similar Interests  Mobile 

Track  Mobile