Tracks Venues

In this session...

The universal adoption of QR codes has created a low-cost, easy-to-use connection between the physical world of packaging and the digital world of brand content and consumer connection.
Via the 'owned media' of its packaging and other physical assets, a brand can reach ALL of its users to share ALL of its story at effectively ZERO MEDIA COST.

The session describes
1 The dramatic growth of the 'QR Code Economy' globally and in the US
2 How QR codes can be creatively designed to deliver brand identity and consumer proposition
3 How Connected packaging offers 5 distinctive consumer uses...Operational, Informational, Functional, Promotional and Inspirational
4 How connected pack is a transformative opportunity for Brand Sustainability and Brand Digital Creativity using AR/VR
5 How 'Opt In Connected Packaging' has a higher attention rating than any other digital medium
6 How Connected Packaging always achieves a positive ROI
7 How Connected Packaging needs to become a valuable infrastructural element of every brand's campaign in the future
8 How the extended use of QR codes is both a Martech and a Marcoms enabler of the economic future for all consumer facing brands View Less

What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. The QR Code economy that bind physical to digital is booming globally.
  2. The creative application of QR codes to packaging creates a high traffic 'Owned Media' for brands uniquely targeted at known users with no wastage.
  3. The Connected Experience from packaging is the highest attention media available.
  4. The Connected Experience from packaging has multiple sources of ROI...Media Value, First Part Data and Ecomm Sales.
  5. The Connected Experience from packaging is central to the 'post media' ecosystem for brand creation and development.

Presented with


Paul Simonet Director Experience is Everything

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Event Type Session