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In this session...

With stars like Lionel Messi, the most-attended Women’s World Cup in history, and the Men’s World Cup coming to the US in 2026, soccer is having more than a moment. It now trails only football and basketball in popularity among US fans 18-29. Join leaders from Chemistry, Major League Soccer, and adidas in a conversation moderated by the CEO of The Factor Studios to learn how youth, diversity, and culture are driving growth and how brands can capitalize on it.

What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. Who are the key drivers of soccer’s growth in the United States?
  2. How can brands meaningfully tap into America’s love of soccer?
  3. What role does diversity and inclusion play in soccer, and what does that mean for brands going forward?

Presented with


Celeste Hubbard-Breen Founder and CEO The Factor Studios
Jesse Perl Vice President, Brand Marketing Major League Soccer
Chris Breen Partner, Chief Creative Officer Chemistry
Kelsey Hough Manager, Soccer Sports Marketing adidas

Event Details

Event Type Session