Stephanie Mitchko-Beale

As the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Cross MediaWorks, Stephanie Mitchko-Beale provides day-to-day leadership in the development and execution of strategic initiatives. She is leading the Operations and IT teams to champion change efforts and design stream-lined, standardized processes to ensure continued scalability of Cross MediaWorks products and services. Cross MediaWorks is the parent company of Cadent Network, the leading national unwired television advertising network and Cadent Technology (formerly BlackArrow), the global leader in advanced advertising platforms and data solutions and the newly launched one2one Media, focusing on addressable video.

With more than 20 years of experience, Ms. Mitchko-Beale is a media, technology, and interactive advertising maven with a solid record of pioneering industry-changing products. She has garnered several top industry awards and acknowledgements throughout her career, including Emmy awards from the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.