Annamarie Bermundo is a digital and CRM professional with over 15 years of demonstrated leadership across multiple disciplines, including Multi-Channel platform development, loyalty programs, digital marketing, and online media.
Annamarie started her career with the AIR MILES Reward Program in Toronto, Canada in 2000, where she spent a number of years focused on customer analytics and delivering CRM across online and offline channels. Before joining L'Oréal USA in 2012, Annamarie headed up CRM/digital marketing for Maybelline New York and Garnier at L'Oréal Canada, and worked in London for both Reckitt Benckiser and Capgemini Consulting U.K. on global digital transformations and marketing strategies.
Annamarie Bermundo Job Title Asst. Vice President CRM and Digital Platform Development Company L’OREAL Connect via