In this role he oversees the development of the Company’s antipiracy policy positions and initiatives and works closely with the anti-piracy teams at NBCUniversal and Comcast. Since January 2007, Cotton has also served as Chairman of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce cross-sector Coalition Against Counterfeiting and Piracy (CACP), which represents over 500 companies and associations who have come together to fight the vital economic battle against counterfeiting and piracy. He serves on the Steering Committee of BASCAP, Business Action to Stop Counterfeiting and Piracy, an arm of the International Chamber of Commerce dedicated to the enforcement and protection of intellectual property rights worldwide. From 2004 to 2013, Mr. Cotton served as executive vice president and general counsel of NBCUniversal. In that role he supervised the NBCUniversal Law Department, which provides legal advice to all NBCUniversal business units for their ongoing operations and for new strategic plans and acquisitions. In addition, he oversaw NBCUniversal's global regulatory and legislative agenda, including the company’s worldwide anti-piracy efforts.
Rick Cotton Job Title EVP & General Counsel Company NBCUNIVERSAL