Ally Owen

Ally Owen founded Brixton Finishing School due to the need to create accessible routes fointo our industry for all. This award-winning family of programmes that finds, trains and places ‘under-represented’ talent in entry level roles. Once that talent arrives the aim is to ensure they reach the C Suite.

Ally also launched the game-changing ADcademy program which gives over 2500 students a year across the UK a fairer chance to succeed. 2021 also saw the launch of ADventure, which aims to introduce our industry to 100k diverse 14-18 year olds and worked with Uninvisibility and WPP to create Visible Start with for women over 45.

Allys' accolades include Change-maker 2023, MEFA Diversity Awards, Judges’ Choice, Media Leader 2022, Campaign 2021 Female Frontiers Championing Change Honouree/Campaign 'Trailblazer' 2020/ BIMA 2020 Champion for Change/ AD Age 2020 'Woman to watch in Europe