Dr Julia Jones

Dr Julia Jones is a neuroscientist, former Olympic psychologist, and bestselling author who gained the nickname "Dr Rock" because of her use of music and sound as a preferred proven biohack and brain tool, to improve the health and performance of her clients.

She has spent a lifetime studying and applying neuroscience, cognitive psychology, behavioural science and "biohacks" that use simple evolutionary science-based techniques and tools (such as music) to optimise in-built biological systems. Her approach is grounded in this science.

In 2023, she collaborated with Universal Production Music to launch a new music composition technique for mood and wellness. This collection, titled 'MusicHacks', is available on Spotify and Apple Music and uses the synchronised breathing technique she was first introduced to by the US Navy SEALs in the early 1990s. She continues to advise elite sports professionals, business leaders, celebrities, and government bodies today.