Dinah Williams

Dinah Williams is a passionate, experienced equity and inclusive leadership consultant and transformative coach having worked as an EDI consultant for 5 years. Dinah has led EDI teams across the UK, EMEA, US & APAC, supporting global brands across the private, public & NFP sectors including LBL of Lambeth, LBL of Camden, Goldman Sachs, Department For Education, Crisis, McDonald's, BBC, Phillips, WPP, Omnicom & Interpublic. Previous to this, Dinah had a successful 15yr career in the Marketing & Comms sector, representing brands including News UK, ASDA & Waitrose.
In September 2021, she launched Avenir Network - an EDI consultancy that provides its client partners with bespoke equitable, measurable and sustainable EDI solutions for their organisation, and the people within it. Avenir Network is a Black female-founded business providing organisations with a network of EDI experts and collaborators, reflective of an intersectional, global community.
Dinah is a social justice activist, and her commitment and expertise to this go far beyond Avenir Network. She is a freelance trainer for UK Charity NABS, where she is the Lead Trainer for their Inclusive Leadership Masterclass programme and a #timeTo facilitator, an initiative to drive awareness and combat sexual harassment - personally providing an intersection lens to the content from the perceptive of underrepresented groups.
In addition, she’s also an advisory board member of BRiM (Black Representation in Marketing), an industry-wide initiative launched in 2020 by the Ad Association and META to address the lack of representation of Black talent within the industry and is a 2023 UN Women UK (CSW67) delegate.
Throughout 2021 & 2022, Dinah has contributed to articles across the UK press and participated in a range of industry speaker panels, addressing the challenges with EDI and identifying the solutions.
Dinah is an experienced Mentor, specifically mentoring young Black women as part of her ongoing commitment as a Bloom member and experienced ICF-accredited Transformative Coach.