Barry Frey

As President, CEO and Board Director of DPAA, Mr. Frey has overseen, for seven years, the global trade and marketing association that leads the digital transformation of Out of Home (OOH) advertising. Over his career in leadership media positions, Mr. Frey has overseen P&L plus helped build regional, national and global media revenues and companies across all media forms.

Respected by marketers, agencies as well as media for innovation and leadership, he has taken DPAA from a 27 member US organization to a global entity membership of 175 companies across all continents. DPAA has grown to be a business accelerator for its membership and a powerful sales agent and marketer for the OOH media sector. Composed of media owners, ad agencies, content companies, programmatic, data, research and others, DPAA has built a global ecosystem accelerating company and industry ad revenues. the embrace, acceptance and growth of the now very successful OOH programmatic trading.