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In this session...

While the industry continues to move in fast-forward, the trait that defines great work is timeless: bravery. At this iconic event, The AD Club of NYC/International ANDY Awards will reflect on their history and invite the industry to attend a speech on this topic. Headlined by David Droga, Founder and Creative Chairman, Droga5 and notable brave speakers like Sir John Hegarty, Steve Henry and Dave Trott. The evening will focus on the importance of being brave both within and outside our industy

Here’s the twist: in addition to confirmed speakers, select audience members will be called to the stage at random to deliver an impromptu talk about bravery. Join us as we inspire our industry to step outside of its comfort zones, take risks and achieve greatness.

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Presented with


David Droga Founder & Creative Chairman Droga5
Sir John Hegarty Founder Bartle Bogle Hegarty
Steve Henry Co-Founder Decoded
Dave Trott Chairman The Gate

Event Details

Event Type Seminar

Track  Creativity