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In this session...

In an age where algorithms rule, it’s tempting for marketers to think they can hand over data analysis and insight generation to machines, especially as Artificial Intelligence (AI) takes hold. But AI must be handled with care. It can do many things brilliantly well, but not everything.

Marketers still need an additional layer of expertise to convert their customer data into marketing intelligence.

This is where Human Intelligence comes in.

What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. How Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence can be combined to convert customer data into marketing intelligence.
  2. How to solve business challenges by starting with asking the right questions.
  3. Increasing decision-making power by closing the 'Knowledge Gap' though Human Intelligence.

Presented with


Richard Dunmall President MiQ
Indy Khabra National Managing Director Amnet ANZ, Dentsu Aegis Network
Jay Morgan Innovations Director The Monkeys
Colin Glynn Head of Insights Lion Co

Event Details

Event Type Seminar

Related Topic Area  Tech 

Similar Interests  AI   Data