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In this session...

With culture moving at the speed of technology, brands are struggling to keep up with the pace of change. Old models of marketing and media are being disrupted, and the future looks bleak for companies that do not make the evolutionary leap to deliver compelling engagement, experiences, and services for consumers that live at the intersection of ‘useful and delightful.’ Join our panelists as they discuss how to live in a state of 'permanent discomfort' that forces ingenious invention.

Moderated by Paul Woolmington, chief agitator and CEO of Canvas Worldwide, and including his disruptor guests, Grammy-nominated musician and entrepreneur Ryan Leslie, founder of Superphone, the revolutionary communications platform; Afdhel Aziz, Director, Absolut Labs (the vodka giant's marketing innovation arm); and George Strompolos, founder and CEO of Fullscreen, Inc., the premier global studio/network for online video. View Less

Presented with


Paul Woolmington CEO Canvas Worldwide
Afdhel Aziz Brand Director Absolut Vodka, USA
George Strompolos Founder & CEO Fullscreen Media
Ryan Leslie Musician and CEO SuperPhone

Event Details

Event Type Seminar

Track  Agency