Jonathan Kaufman

Jonathan Kaufman is an innovative thought leader and strategist who recognizes the impact of personal development on organizational growth. Born with Cerebral Palsy, Jonathan Kaufman’s disability has been a profound part of his personal, academic and professional life. Professor Kaufman is now regarded as one of the most profound thinkers and practitioners in the areas of diversity and inclusion, organizational strategy and personal growth.

His unique background has allowed him the ability to work in a variety of capacities from being a former Policy Advisor to the White House on Diversity and Disability to a technical consultant for Hollywood productions in films such as “Adam” and HBO’s “Temple Grandin” to his role as Lead Disability Strategist for Wal-Mart Stores Inc., Senior Strategist at The National Business and Disability Council and adviser to Diversity Best Practices providing invaluable intellectual capital for Fortune 500 and 1000 companies.

Professor Kaufman has keynoted at such diverse global events as the United Nations Social and Economic Development Forum, Aktion Mensch in Berlin to AARP’s Diversity & Aging in the 21st Century Conference. Professor Kaufman has continued to lecture at numerous academic institutions including The City University of New York, Vanderbilt University, The McCombs School of Business at The University of Texas, Austin and The Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia.

Beyond his consulting, coaching and psychotherapy work, Jonathan Kaufman was a regular Forbes contributor for four and half years with his weekly column "Mindset Matters”.