Mike Hutzel

As CEO, Mike leads the teams associated with revenue for the company, that include the sales teams, partners and allies, consultative partnerships and franchises. Mike leads the vision of EagleONE and contributes to the ongoing adaptations and modifications that best suit our client needs.
Mike’s most recent noteworthy professional accomplishment is being a contributing author to The Franchise Bible, 9th Edition, released world-wide by Entrepreneur Magazine on 20 April 2021. His best personal accomplishments ever were marrying his best friend Nicole and becoming a dad.
Mike is an Army Brat of the 101st Airborne Army and the proud father of a United States Marine. The values associated with his faith coupled with the life-lessons learned in a military family all contribute to his work-life, building up clients and the family at EagleONE.
Mike is passionate about Men’s Ministries and Knights of Columbus. He enjoys time away with his family