Ben Kartzman

As Chief Operating Officer at Flashtalking and Mediaocean, Ben Kartzman brings over two decades of industry knowledge and leadership experience to the team. Kartzman served as COO of Flashtalking prior to the Mediaocean acquisition in 2021, where he helped grow the company from dynamic creative optimization (DCO) to becoming the leading global independent ad server. Kartzman joined Flashtalking in 2018 as part of a merger with Spongecell, where he was CEO and co-founder, leading the company’s evolution from a respected rich media provider to a market-leading dynamic creative platform trusted by sophisticated brands and agencies alike. Earlier in his career, Kartzman consulted at Accenture, Bridgeline and venture-backed Guidester. He graduated with honors from Carnegie Mellon with a dual BS in Human Computer Interaction and Information & Decision Systems.