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In this session...

Advertisers who want to drive tune-in viewership are facing tough challenges today as viewer attention continues to fragment and more people cut the cord. Join us as we bring together top entertainment marketers to share strategies for successfully driving viewership of TV shows, sporting events and streaming movies.

What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. How exposure to different media types impacts tune-in.
  2. Optimizing media plans based on who is most or least likely to tune-in.
  3. Best practices for flighting pre- and post-premiere campaigns.
  4. Viewership of original content vs. syndicated content.
  5. Tips for converting new viewers into loyal subscribers.

Presented with


Christina Park Head of Industry Samba TV
Ryan Brendle Global Head of Marketing Science Reddit
Daniel Vincent VP, Group Media Director, Investments Mediahub Global
Yongyong Kennedy Managing Director, Marketing Science Measurement Meta
Yasmin Mitchell Global Lead, Campaign Analytics National Basketball Association

Event Details

Event Type Session

Track  Streaming