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In this session...

The advertising world is undergoing a seismic shift. Top brands are adopting new proactive pre-testing technologies that measure lift in attitude and intent before campaigns are launched. Brand storytellers are now getting the data to prove that they can change hearts and minds, not just generate clicks and views.

People know DoorDash as a best-in-class direct response performance marketer, but the story of how they raced to deploy rapid RCT (randomized controlled trial) pre-testing for brand campaigns is less well known. The company drove major gains in brand love and trust by showcasing stories that highlight their values and impact on the community. This storytelling underlies their success in the market, and behind the scenes, they’re getting data in real time to know they’re going to work.

We'll learn how they combined smart strategy, great creative and deep data insights from Swayable testing to prove what concepts will win in the marketplace and how they built their brand and reputation marketing function around it.
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What You'll Learn from This Session...

  1. New technology lets you pre-test creative to measure brand lift, purchase intent and more in 24 hours.
  2. Test early concepts to ensure decisions are made with decisive consumer-centric quantitative evidence.
  3. There are often major differences in the lift caused by different concepts, even when best practices are followed.
  4. It’s now easy to measure upper funnel metrics like brand lift and purchase intent.
  5. Learn how DoorDash works with Swayable to use data that drive decisions.

Presented with


James Slezak CEO, Founder Swayable
Maura McGill Head of Policy Paid Media DoorDash

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